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Serial Dental Treatment Payment Dodger Jailed in Singapore

SINGAPORE: A 36-year-old Singaporean man has been sentenced to five months in jail after a series of incidents where he fraudulently obtained dental services without paying. Ryosuke Tanaka, who amassed over S$7,000 in unpaid dental bills over four years, was convicted on three counts of dishonestly obtaining services.

Modus Operandi: The Washroom Ruse

Tanaka’s method was consistent across multiple dental clinics in Singapore’s upscale Orchard Road area. After receiving treatment, he would inform staff that he needed to use the washroom, often located outside the clinic premises. Despite staff’s attempts to dissuade him, citing medical reasons such as allowing cement to set, Tanaka would insist and subsequently abscond without making payment.

In one instance, a nurse advised him “to stay in the treatment room to allow the cement to set,” but Tanaka persisted with his washroom excuse. This behaviour led to wasted time and resources as clinic staff futilely searched for him and attempted to make contact via provided phone numbers.

Read: Crackdown on Singapore Dentists Issuing Improper Medical Certificates

Trail of Unpaid Bills

The court heard details of three specific incidents occurring between January and February 2024, totalling S$4,781.83 in unpaid fees. These ranged from root canal treatments to dental crowns, with Tanaka often presenting himself as in urgent need of care.

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In one case, he claimed to have had “an accident while boxing and urgently required treatment for a dinner appointment that night.” Despite the dentist’s recommendations, he insisted on a costlier one-day crown procedure, only to disappear without settling the S$2,956.08 bill.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Cheronne Lim highlighted that Tanaka “had not intended to make payment despite repeatedly engaging the clinics for treatment.” The prosecutor noted the defendant’s calculated approach, stating that “he had used the same modus operandi in all three cases.”

The court also took into consideration four previous incidents between May 2020 and October 2022, where Tanaka employed similar tactics, evading payment for services valued at S$2,222.55.

Read: Singaporeans Seek Affordable Dental Care in Johor Bahru

Sentencing and Restitution

While the maximum penalty for each count of fraudulently obtaining services could have resulted in up to 10 years’ imprisonment, a fine, or both, Tanaka received a five-month jail sentence. It was noted that he had made full restitution to the three Orchard Road clinics involved in the most recent cases.

This case sheds light on the vulnerabilities faced by healthcare providers, particularly in high-trust environments like dental clinics. It underscores the need for robust payment protocols and highlights the challenges of balancing patient care with financial safeguards.

The dental community may need to reassess their procedures for new patients, especially those claiming urgent needs, to prevent such incidents while maintaining their commitment to prompt and compassionate care.

As the industry reflects on this case, it serves as a reminder that even in a profession dedicated to healing and well-being, vigilance against those who would exploit the system is paramount.

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