Novadontics’ Cloud-Based Practice Management Software for Dental Clinics of All Sizes

Novadontics boasts the world's first cloud-based practice management software designed for general and implant practices of…

Pearl and VisiQuick Collaborate to Integrate Second Opinion Disease Detection AI

Pearl, a provider of dental AI solutions, has joined forces with VisiQuick, a dental imaging software…

Midmark Releases New Intraoral Digital Sensor System for Enhanced Dental Imaging

Midmark has introduced the Midmark Intraoral Digital Sensor System, which aims to provide high-quality imaging that…

DEXIS Receives FDA Clearance for DTX Studio Clinic

DEXIS has announced that , DTX Studio Clinic has received FDA 510(k) clearance for AI findings…

New Dental Image Enhancement Network Proposed for Diagnosis of Oral and Dental Diseases

Researchers from China and Pakistan have proposed a new dental image enhancement strategy that could improve…