FDA grants Videa Perio Assist 510(k) clearance

Videa Perio Assist, an AI-powered interproximal bone level measurement tool has received 510(k) clearance from the…

Stratasys Launches First Multi-Color, Monolithic 3D-Printed Dentures

Stratasys has unveiled TrueDent, the first monolithic and full-color 3D printed permanent denture solution.

TAMU-CC researchers develop interactive toothbrush and remote-controlled toothpaste

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is utilizing nanotechnology to develop an interactive toothbrush and remote-controlled toothpaste.

FDA clears AI-powered Denti.AI Auto-Chart

Denti.AI Auto-Chart has become the first dental auto-charting product cleared by the US Food and Drug…

FDA approves first gene therapy to treat adults with Hemophilia B

The U.S..FDA approved Hemgenix, an adeno-associated virus vector-based gene therapy for the treatment of adults with…

FDA clears first AI-powered radiologic detection aid

Pearl’s Second Opinion has obtained clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to…