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Dental Check-Up Leads to Life-Saving Leukaemia Diagnosis

Routine Appointment Reveals Serious Health Concern

A routine dental check-up in 2019 proved life-changing for a Scottish family when it led to the diagnosis of leukaemia in a three-year-old boy. According to a report from the Daily Record, Kaylan Hampson, now eight, was immediately referred to the Children’s Hospital in Edinburgh after dentists identified an abnormality during his appointment.

Family’s Journey Through Treatment

The diagnosis came as a devastating shock to the family. Kaylan’s father, Martin Hampson, 25, described the harrowing experience to the Daily Record: “It’s a diagnosis I wouldn’t wish on any child. I remember looking at him as he slept, thinking ‘I wish I could be ill instead of you.’ It was a complete shock.”

Impact on Daily Life

The treatment journey significantly disrupted the family’s normalcy. Mr. Hampson, who previously served in the army and now works at a recycling power plant, explained to the newspaper: “It’s like we lived a completely different life. Everything stopped. Every cough, every cold became an alarm. The slightest change in temperature could mean a two-day hospital stay.”

Challenging Medical Procedures

The young patient underwent several intensive medical procedures, including a bone marrow biopsy, lumbar puncture, and surgery to insert a chest port. The Daily Record reports that Kaylan faced additional challenges with a feeding tube, and more than a year into his treatment, experienced hair loss. His education was also impacted, forcing him to miss significant school time and give up playing football.

Support Through Treatment

Throughout their ordeal, the family received substantial support from hospital staff and the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC). The charity played a crucial role in maintaining Kaylan’s spirits during treatment. As Mr. Hampson told the Daily Record: “Thankfully, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity was there to bring joy and cheer him up. Musicians came and played guitar for him, and we did loads of activities like face painting, right by his bedside. On the toughest days, those small moments made all the difference.”

Successful Completion of Treatment

After three years of treatment, Kaylan, at age seven, finally reached the milestone of ringing the bell to signal the end of his cancer treatment. His father described the emotional moment to the Daily Record: “It was a very special day. All the staff cheered for him. His school even held a special assembly, so he got to celebrate the end of his treatment there as well.”

Ongoing Support and Gratitude

While Kaylan now only requires hospital visits every six months, his father remains committed to supporting the ECHC through fundraising efforts. As reported by the Daily Record, Mr. Hampson expressed his motivation: “I want to give back for all the support we received while Kaylan was in and out of hospital. It’s my way of saying thank you to everyone who helped us.”

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