#4D6D88_Small Cover_March-April 2024 DRA Journal

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Dental Experts Urge Use of Fluoride Toothpaste To Improve Nigeria’s Oral Health

NIGERIA: Dr. Aderonke Dedeke, a Consultant Dental Public Health Specialist from the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, has emphasized the importance of using toothpaste with fluoride and medium-textured toothbrushes to prevent tooth decay. In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Dr. Dedeke encouraged individuals to adopt a routine of brushing twice a day—especially before bedtime and after breakfast.

Holistic Dental Care Approach

Dr. Dedeke advocates for a comprehensive approach to dental care, advising Nigerians to maintain a healthy diet and schedule routine check-ups every six months with dentists. She highlights the significance of preventive measures, stating, “it is often better to prevent dental cavities ab initio.” Dr. Dedeke emphasizes the role of fluoride application by dentists and stresses the importance of good oral cleaning habits.

Read: Labour Proposes Supervised Toothbrushing in Schools to Address Dentistry Crisis

Dr. Dedeke provides insights into the treatment of dental cavities, explaining that small, asymptomatic cavities may be observed with proper instructions on diet and oral hygiene. Symptomatic cavities, depending on the disease stage, may require various treatments such as filling, root canal therapy, or extraction as a last resort if the tooth cannot be saved.

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Understanding Tooth Decay: A Four-Factor Interplay

Dr. Francis Fagbule, another Dental Public Health Specialist at UCH, elucidates tooth decay as a disease caused by the interplay of four major factors: oral bacteria, refined sugar, susceptible tooth surface, and time. Fagbule emphasizes the role of certain bacteria in the breakdown of refined sugar into acid, which, over time, leads to the dissolution of the outer layer of the tooth.

Dr. Fagbule notes that early stages of tooth decay may not exhibit visible signs or symptoms, but individuals might notice a whitish lesion on the tooth surface. At this reversible stage, proper tooth cleaning with fluoride-containing toothpaste and other oral hygiene habits can halt the progression. However, untreated decay can lead to the breakdown of the enamel, resulting in sensitivity and, if left unaddressed, the formation of cavities.

Dr. Fagbule highlights the potential complications of untreated tooth decay, emphasizing that infections can progress into the root and jaw bone, causing swelling, pain, and pus formation. Severe cases, particularly in individuals with weakened immunity, could lead to life-threatening consequences. Timely intervention and adherence to oral health practices are crucial in preventing such complications.

Read: Alarming Rates of School Absence Linked to Poor Dental Health in Children

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