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Dentist Issues Mouthwash Warning, Highlighting Possible Cancer Link

UK: Dr. Slaine Ker, a cosmetic dentist and founder of The Row Dental, has raised concerns regarding the potential negative consequences of using mouthwash, cautioning users about its improper usage and potential risks, including a possible link to cancer. 

Despite its perceived benefits for oral hygiene, Dr. Ker emphasizes that certain mouthwashes, particularly those containing high levels of alcohol or acidic ingredients, may pose risks to dental health.

Unpacking the Risks

Dr. Ker highlights several potential negative effects associated with certain types of mouthwash. High alcohol content in traditional mouthwashes can lead to dry mouth, reducing saliva production and increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 

Read: Investigating the Efficacy of CPC–CHX Mouthwash Against SARS-CoV-2

Additionally, acidic ingredients present in some mouthwashes can weaken tooth enamel over time, making teeth more susceptible to erosion and decay.

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While mouthwash can effectively eliminate harmful bacteria, it can also disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth, potentially leading to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and contributing to oral health problems. 

Furthermore, regular use of mouthwash may mask underlying oral health issues, providing temporary relief without addressing the root cause, such as gum disease or tooth decay.

Addressing Concerns

One of the major concerns raised by Dr. Ker is the potential link between long-term use of alcohol-based mouthwashes and an increased risk of oral cancer. While the evidence is not conclusive, some studies have suggested this association, warranting further research to confirm its validity.

Read: Global Mouthwash Market Expected to Reach $9.88 Billion by 2027

To minimize the potential negative effects of mouthwash, Dr. Ker recommends several strategies, including opting for alcohol-free or low-alcohol mouthwashes, choosing pH-balanced formulas free from harsh acids, and using mouthwash as directed without excessive rinsing. 

Additionally, incorporating regular brushing and flossing into one’s oral hygiene routine is essential for maintaining dental health.

Dr. Ker advises individuals to consult with their dentist or dental hygienist for personalized recommendations on oral care products and usage. By staying informed and proactive about oral health, individuals can mitigate potential risks associated with mouthwash and maintain a healthy smile.

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