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Elevate Your Practice Culture: The Onboarding Process

By Dr Reuben Sim

In any organisation, the fabric of success is woven through the intricate threads of culture. Culture, defined by the character and personality of your dental practice, stands as a testament to your uniqueness. More than that, it encapsulates the values, traditions, beliefs, and the very essence of staff and patient interactions.

As practice owners and leaders, we wield considerable influence on this culture, shaping the atmosphere of the dental office alongside dentists and office managers. How can we then contribute to cultivating a thriving culture within our own sanctuary of oral health?

There are several key areas that have contributed to the robust culture at Dental Boutique. In this article, I’ll focus on just one, that which undergirds the implementation and foundation of our strong culture – the Onboarding Process.

Incorporate a nuanced onboarding process that would ensure mutual comfort and compatibility for the long haul.

Refining The Hiring Process

Admittedly, this is a process that has evolved over time. When we first began rapidly expanding the team several years ago, interviewing dentists and bringing them on board, one thing became evident during the initial period. Like most practices, we would assess whether the candidates were the right fit after the interviews. However, within their first week of joining us, discrepancies would emerge in terms of expectations, both on the part of the candidate and our practice.

This happened two to three times, leaving us feeling uneasy. It was disheartening because clinicians had left their previous jobs to join us, and it didn’t reflect positively on our practice. It wasn’t just about the time and effort invested; it also affected our brand and reputation.

These disparities, especially in values, were a clarion call for a paradigm shift in our approach. We then decided to incorporate a nuanced onboarding process that would ensure mutual comfort and compatibility for the long haul. And it worked.

Out of the 87 clinicians on the Dental Boutique team, extending across different locations, only 4 have voluntarily left in the last 10 years. Conversely, around 70% of our clinicians joined as a result of referral by existing employees. By any staff hiring and retention metric, both speak to exceedingly positive workplace satisfaction.

And we’re are still growing – in fact, 29 more clinicians, and perhaps more, will be joining us over the course of this year alone. Likewise, the bulk of these dentists would have heard encouraging feedback from our existing employees.

Dr Sim likens the onboarding process to a well-choreographed dance — a systematic balance of meticulous evaluation criteria and the gut-feel observation that comes with experience.

Making Sure They Dance To Our Rhythm

What sets our onboarding process apart? Well, I liken it to a well-choreographed dance — a systematic balance of meticulous evaluation criteria and the gut-feel observation that comes with experience. The former is all about checkboxes and processes, a methodical approach to ensure the candidate meets the criteria. On the flip side, the latter is more instinctive, honing in on how a person interacts with colleagues and customers, their impulses, and their awareness of their environment — more of a human touch.

The adventure begins after the initial interview, where we hand them exclusive backstage passes for a week-long behind-the-scenes look at our daily operations. It’s a special chance for them to witness firsthand the elevated customer service standards and experience the camaraderie among our staff in a positive, motivated, and respectful atmosphere — void of office politics and gossip. These aspects are the hallmarks we anticipate from all our team members, giving them the space to reflect on whether they align with our culture and are the right fit for the team.

A thoughtful onboarding plan fosters an environment where questions are welcomed, suggestions are encouraged, and the integration of a new member into the team becomes a seamless affair.

Next Up: Training and Mentorship

A successful assessment unlocks the door to a rigorous two-week training program, running from 8 am to 6 pm daily. This program dives deep into our culture, values, leadership principles, interpersonal skills, and clinical expectations — a holistic package sculpted to foster excellence.

But the training doesn’t end there; it seamlessly transforms into a mentorship spanning an additional two to twelve weeks, fine-tuned to the dentist’s skill level. This mentorship, guided by a senior clinician, unfolds as a personalised, one-on-one experience — a dynamic exchange that goes beyond the mundane. It’s not a one-size-fits-all journey; it’s a selective process, with senior clinicians stepping up based on their commitment.

It isn’t a haphazard process either but follows a structured checklist, acknowledging the diverse timelines of mentorships. The duration plays a pivotal role in the bonus and reward assessment, underscoring the significance of constructive feedback.

New Beginnings With Familiar Expectations

Embarking on a new job is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters, where anticipation mingles with the unknown. A smooth and well-structured onboarding process transcends the perfunctory tour of the office and the exchange of an employee manual. It demands a comprehensive strategy aimed at not only welcoming new team members but equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources crucial for their success.

At its core, a thoughtful onboarding plan fosters an environment where questions are welcomed, suggestions are encouraged, and the integration of a new member into the team becomes a seamless affair. When it comes to Dental Boutique’s culture, we strive for a team that not only upholds our cherished ethos and values but radiates a collective spirit of joy and positivity. And those are the kinds of things you do not leave to chance.

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Dr. Reuben Sim is the Director and Co-Founder of Dental Boutique Group. Dr Reuben has always been driven by his passion to help patients achieve the smile they have always wanted and has found a new passion for education, especially for the younger generation.

He graduated from the University of Adelaide with several awards including The Executive Dean’s Certificate of Merit, The South Australian Dental Service Prize and The Australian Society of Periodontology Prize. His cumulative training over the last 15 years has developed Dr. Reuben’s eye for aesthetics, and inspired him to push the boundaries of excellence in diagnosing and thinking outside of the box to provide options to his patients to help achieve the results they desire.

Dental Boutique has grown over the last few years to be a national brand, with practices located in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, Auckland (and more to come!). The individual practices are led by his amazing team of Principal Dentists who share Dr. Reuben’s vision and ethos. Dental Boutique is now a team of more than 230 employees and 115 clinicians. 

Dental Boutique has won numerous awards over the last few years, notably the Telstra Best of Business Awards for Outstanding Growth and for Championing Health. Dr. Reuben was also the winner of the Australian Young Entrepreneur Award for 2 consecutive years and last year, was recognised in the top 10 of Australia’s Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs.

Dr. Reuben met his wife Dr. May Chan during their university days and together, through their shared passion in dentistry, they founded and have continued to build Dental Boutique into what it is today. During his free time, Dr. Reuben enjoys traveling but most especially spending time with May and his two boys, Ryan and Alexander.

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