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The Q1 2025 issue of DRA Journal explores contemporary dental medicine through groundbreaking perspectives. From Asian orthodontic innovations to complex prosthetic rehabilitations, this issue reveals the dynamic intersection of technological advancement, medical expertise, and compassionate patient care across challenging clinical scenarios.

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Essential Dental Systems Launches Bio-LCB Syringe Light-Cured Base and Liner

Essential Dental Systems has launched its Bio-LCB Syringe, a new light-cured base and liner that promises improved restorative dentistry.

The Bio-LCB Syringe was specifically developed to provide a protective base/liner under composites, amalgams, cements, and other base materials. The innovative material can be used as a replacement for calcium hydroxide, glass ionomer, RMGI, IRM/ZOE, and other restorative materials, and creates an insulator/barrier to protect against sensitivity.

Unique Composition with Multiple Benefits

The Bio-LCB Syringe stands out from other base/liners, with a proprietary UDMA-based formulation that boasts superior strength, self-adhesiveness, and a unique ability to bond to dentin, promote dentin remineralization, and stimulate reparative dentin formation.

The composition of Bio-LCB Syringe also helps prevent secondary decay by bonding to dentin to prevent bacterial leakage, and the alkaline nature of the material upon setting has an anti-microbial effect, adding to its protective properties.

The low polymerization shrinkage helps to maintain restorative longevity, while the hydrophilic and radiopaque nature of the material allows for easy application.

Pulp Protection and Irritation Reduction

Bio-LCB Syringe is also effective in protecting the pulp and reducing irritation, thanks to its sealing off of dentin tubules and the alkalinity that helps maintain pulp vitality. Additionally, Bio-LCB Syringe is remineralizing/hydroxyapatite forming, releases calcium and phosphate ions, and boasts strong mechanical strength.

The syringe format makes it easy to use, and the alkaline setting of the material further adds to its appeal for dentists and patients alike. With Bio-LCB Syringe, Essential Dental Systems has added a valuable tool to the dental practitioner’s armamentarium, and one that promises improved restorative dentistry.

Click here for more information on the Bio-LCB Syringe light-cured base and liner from Essential Dental Systems.

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