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Navigating the Path to Success with ‘Be Do Have’

Jesse Green_Dental Resource Asia

Dr. Jesse Green is a visionary dentist and the driving force behind Savvy Dentist, a revolutionary platform reshaping the dental industry. Acknowledging the evolving landscape for dentists, Jesse recognised the necessity of providing his peers with a steadfast guide to navigate these changes. He developed an all-encompassing dental business coaching program featuring innovative tools and systems, which has garnered widespread acclaim as Savvy Dentist.

As a business leader, Jesse Green remains at the forefront of cutting-edge practices in both business and dental expertise. A tireless commitment to empowering dentists and cultivating their financial acumen, time management, and team-building skills has positioned him as a prominent figure in the Australian dental industry.

Beyond his role as a dental business coach, Jesse is a true polymath. An accomplished author, captivating speaker, and seasoned entrepreneur, he has left an indelible impact on the lives and careers of numerous dental professionals.

Embrace the evolution of success with ‘Be, Do, Have’ — a mindset shift that goes beyond achievements, focusing on your deepest sense of self.

Imagine uncovering a formula that transforms not just what you do or have, but fundamentally who you are. This isn’t just an idea from a self-help book but practical, time-honoured wisdom known as the ‘Be, Do, Have’ formula. Rooted in the experiences of countless successful individuals, this concept transcends typical success pathways, offering a more holistic and profound approach to personal and professional growth.

At its heart, ‘Be, Do, Have’ is a journey of self-discovery and action. It’s about aligning your identity, actions, and aspirations to propel you toward success. Whether you’re looking to revolutionise your business, elevate your personal life, or redefine your goals, this formula provides a roadmap. It’s a method I’ve lived by, invaluable in navigating the complexities of life and career.

In this article, I’ll take you through my interpretation of this powerful formula. We’ll explore how it’s not just about the actions we take or the goals we achieve, but fundamentally about who we are. This journey through the ‘Be, Do, Have’ framework is a path I’ve walked, one that I believe can lead to greater success and fulfilment in various facets of life. So, let’s dive in and discover how this formula can unlock your full potential.

The core of the 'Be, Do, Have' formula encompasses three interconnected aspects

Understanding the Concept

The ‘Be, Do, Have’ concept isn’t my brainchild but a powerful insight that has stood the test of time. Its lineage traces back from modern figures like Dan Kennedy through to pioneers such as Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a successful plastic surgeon, speaker, and author of Psycho-Cybernetics. This enduring wisdom, potentially centuries old, has guided many successful individuals, especially in entrepreneurship. It’s a testament to the concept’s timeless relevance and adaptability across generations.

The core of the ‘Be, Do, Have’ formula blends simplicity and depth, encompassing three interconnected aspects: ‘Be’ – our identity and beliefs, ‘Do’ – our actions and habits, and ‘Have’ – our goals and results. These are not just individual components; they’re interdependent, each playing a crucial role in achieving success.

Starting with ‘Be’, it’s about who we are at our core – our values, beliefs, and embraced identity. This foundation influences how we approach work, relationships, and personal aspirations.

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Next, ‘Do’ represents our actions, the tangible expressions of our ‘Be’. It’s about the habits we form, the decisions we make, and our daily conduct, especially in professional roles like dentistry.

Finally, ‘Have’ focuses on the outcomes we aim to achieve – the tangible manifestation of our efforts. This includes professional achievements, like growing our dental practice, and personal goals and milestones.

Understanding and balancing these three elements – ‘Be, Do, Have’ – is pivotal. It’s about ensuring that our actions and goals harmonise with our true selves. This formula isn’t just a pathway to success; it’s a holistic approach to living a fulfilling professional and personal life.

The Power of ‘Be’

Let’s delve into the first and most foundational element of the ‘Be, Do, Have’ formula – the ‘Be’. This isn’t just about our professional title or the role we play in our dental practices; it’s about who we are at our core, our identity, and the beliefs we hold dear. This undercurrent influences every aspect of our lives, from managing our practices to interacting with patients and teams.

Understanding and embracing our identity is crucial. It’s about asking, ‘Who am I as a dentist, a leader, a person?’ Your answer shapes your approach to practice and life. The beliefs we carry and the values we stand by guide our actions and decisions. For example, seeing yourself as an innovator in dental care will drive you to adopt new techniques and technologies in your practice.

Every action, every habit you form, is a piece of the puzzle that makes up your professional personality
Crafting a professional persona: Each action, every habit, contributes a crucial piece to the puzzle of your professional identity.

Consider the dentists who’ve made significant impacts. Whether pioneering new treatments or building a compassionate practice culture, their success often stems from a strong sense of identity. They know who they are and what they stand for, which directs their professional path and personal growth.

Developing a strong, positive identity isn’t a one-off task. It’s an ongoing process of reflection and adaptation. It’s about aligning your identity with your goals and ensuring that your actions are in concert with your beliefs. For instance, if you aspire to run a multi-location dental practice, consider what identity you need to adopt to make this a reality. This might mean shifting from seeing yourself solely as a dentist to embracing the role of a savvy businessperson.

In essence, the ‘Be’ aspect of the formula is about more than your current identity; it’s about the identity you need to cultivate to achieve your aspirations. It’s about understanding that growth often requires stepping outside your comfort zone, embracing new beliefs, and sometimes redefining your identity.

The Role of ‘Do’

‘Do’ represents the tangible actions and habits that spring from our identity and beliefs. It’s where the rubber meets the road, turning our internal narratives into external realities.

Our actions and habits are direct manifestations of our ‘Be’. For instance, if you identify as an innovative dentist, this will be reflected in how you approach your practice – perhaps through adopting cutting-edge technologies or novel patient care strategies. Every action, every habit you form, is a piece of the puzzle that makes up your professional persona. It’s about aligning what you do with who you are, ensuring that your daily activities resonate with your core beliefs.

Developing habits that align with our desired outcomes is crucial. It’s not just about doing things for the sake of being busy; it’s about intentional actions that propel us towards our goals. For dental professionals, this might mean establishing routines that enhance patient care, investing in continuous learning, or networking within the industry. The key is to create habits that not only reflect our identity but also move us closer to our ‘Have’ – our goals and aspirations.

Navigating the ‘Do’ phase isn’t without its challenges though. A common pitfall is misalignment – when our actions don’t match our true identity or desired goals. This could manifest as a dentist getting caught up in administrative tasks at the cost of patient interaction, thus drifting away from their core identity as a caregiver. Overcoming these obstacles involves regular self-reflection, reassessing our habits, and realigning our actions with our ‘Be’ and ‘Have’. It’s about being mindful and deliberate in our daily practices, ensuring they contribute to our broader vision and goals.

Our goals are often a reflection of our identity
Our goals reflect the essence of identity, mirroring our values and the journey to who we aspire to become.

The Significance of ‘Have’

‘Have’ encapsulates our goals and the results we strive to achieve. This isn’t just about setting targets; it’s about defining what success really means to us, both in our dental careers and personal lives.

The importance of setting clear, achievable goals cannot be overstated. It’s about having a crystal-clear vision of what we want to achieve. For a dentist, this might mean setting a goal to expand your practice, enhance patient care, or even attain a work-life balance that allows for personal growth and family time. These goals should be realistic, giving us a tangible target to aim for, yet ambitious enough to push us out of our comfort zones.

Our goals are often a reflection of our identity – they mirror what we value and who we aspire to be. For example, if part of your ‘Be’ is being a community-oriented dentist, your ‘Have’ might include goals like establishing community dental health programs. It’s about aligning your aspirations with the core of who you are, ensuring that your goals are not just milestones but also representations of your identity.

Measuring success goes beyond just ticking off goals; it’s about evaluating how well your achievements align with your original goals and identity. Did you grow your practice in a way that aligns with your vision of quality patient care? Have you maintained a balance between professional accomplishments and personal well-being? It’s about setting benchmarks that reflect not only the quantitative aspects of success but also the qualitative, ensuring that your ‘Have’ is in harmony with your ‘Be’ and ‘Do’.

The Iceberg Model

Envisioning the ‘Be, Do, Have’ formula can be made more vivid using the iceberg metaphor, offering a layered perspective on its components.

The visible part above the waterline represents the ‘Do’ and ‘Have’ components – the actions we take in our dental practices and the tangible results we achieve. This is the aspect that is apparent to the outside world: the daily operations of our practice, the achievements we celebrate, and the milestones we reach.

iceberg-culture-Dental Resource Asia
Beyond the visible, our triumph lies in the submerged iceberg of identity and values, shaping the essence of our journey.

Beneath the surface, however, lies the bulk of the iceberg, representing the ‘Be’ – our deep-seated beliefs, values, and identity. This unseen segment is the driving force behind our visible actions and achievements. It encompasses the core principles guiding the practice, the philosophy of patient care, and the personal and professional identity we embody. This hidden foundation, though not immediately visible, is critical. It shapes our approach to work, influences decision-making, and sets the tone for our practice’s culture and ethos.

Above the water, the visible part of the iceberg, are the outcomes of our ‘Do’ – the day-to-day decisions, the routines in our practice – and the ‘Have’ – the tangible markers of success, such as the expansion of our practice or the recognition we receive. While these achievements are significant, they are supported and made possible by the vast, unseen section beneath the surface. The actions we take and the success we achieve are the manifestations of our deeper identity and beliefs.

This iceberg model underlines a fundamental truth within the ‘Be, Do, Have’ framework. The essence of our success is not just in what is visible or easily quantifiable. It’s deeply rooted in the submerged part of the iceberg, in the identity and values we hold. As dental professionals, understanding this interplay helps us realise that our most profound and lasting successes are born out of the depths of our ‘Be’, influencing and shaping the ‘Do’ and ‘Have’ that the world sees.

Evolving Identity for Success

In the journey towards success, the evolution of our identity plays a pivotal role. This process, often challenging yet essential, involves what can be metaphorically described as “killing” an old identity to adopt a new one. For dental professionals, this means transcending beyond being just dentists to perhaps embracing the roles of innovators, community leaders, or business visionaries.

This transformation is not just about acquiring new skills or expanding our knowledge base. It’s about a fundamental shift in how we see ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. If our goal is to manage multiple dental practices, our identity needs to evolve from a practitioner to that of a strategic business owner. This shift is critical because, as human beings, we tend to revert to our most deeply ingrained perceptions of ourselves, our default identity.

The transition to a new identity can be daunting. It requires stepping out of our comfort zones and venturing into the unknown. However, growth and progress are often found in these uncharted territories. Embracing a new identity means letting go of familiar and sometimes limiting beliefs about ourselves and adopting a mindset that aligns with our aspirations.

To navigate this transformation, start by visualising the identity you need to achieve your goals. Ask yourself, “Who do I need to become to realise my ambitions?” This might involve building new skills, changing your network, or altering your daily routines to reflect your new identity.

Remember, adopting a new identity is a gradual process. It’s not about discarding your past but building upon it. As you embark on this journey, seek out mentors or role models who embody the identity you aspire to. Learn from their experiences and adapt their lessons to your context.

Savvy Dentist Gold Coast Nov 23 _Dental Resource Asia
Dr Jesse Green presenting at the Savvy Dentist Gold Coast event on Nov 23.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our exploration of the ‘Be, Do, Have’ concept, it’s essential to recognize the profound impact of what lies beneath the surface – our identity. This journey through the ‘Be, Do, Have’ model isn’t just an academic exercise; it’s a practical, transformative approach to achieving success in life, whether in business, health, or relationships.

Reflecting on this, it becomes clear that the true essence of progress often resides in the unseen – in the values, beliefs, and identity we hold. This ‘below the waterline’ aspect of our being shapes everything above it: our actions, habits, and ultimately, the results we achieve. It’s crucial to understand that real change, significant progress, begins with a shift in identity, an embracing of new beliefs and values that align with our aspirations.

So, as you move forward, I encourage you to consider who you need to be to do the things necessary to have the results you desire. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging familiar identities, and embracing growth. The journey of ‘Be, Do, Have’ is about more than achieving goals; it’s about evolving as individuals and professionals, constantly aligning our deepest sense of self with our highest aspirations. Let this concept be your guide to not just doing or having, but fundamentally being, in a way that brings success and fulfilment.

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