Small_Q1 2025 DRA Journal Cover

The Q1 2025 issue of DRA Journal explores contemporary dental medicine through groundbreaking perspectives. From Asian orthodontic innovations to complex prosthetic rehabilitations, this issue reveals the dynamic intersection of technological advancement, medical expertise, and compassionate patient care across challenging clinical scenarios.

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Overjet’s AI-Powered Caries Assist Aids Caries Detection

Caries Assist by Overjet is a AI-powered dental caries detection and outlining software for chairside aid and patient communication. With Dental Assist and Caries Assist, Overjet is the first dental AI company with technology cleared by the FDA to address both bone level measurement with periodontal disease and dental caries detection.

Biggest Threats to Dental Health

Periodontal disease and dental caries are two of the biggest threats to dental health, according to the CDC. Overjet’s technology is designed to aid clinicians in the early diagnosis of these diseases, reportedly allowing for more effective and efficient treatment, while improving patient-dentist communication to support better patient outcomes.

“Our motivation for utilizing an AI solution at Mortenson Dental Partners is to aid in the early diagnosis of dental decay and periodontal disease, and that’s where Overjet excels in assisting our clinicians,” said Dr Eric Tobler, National Clinical Director of Mortenson Dental Partners. 

“We’ve been impressed with Overjet’s ability to help our patients understand and visualize what’s going on in their mouth.”

Accurate Caries Detection

According to Overjet, Caries Assist enables clinicians to detect caries accurately and reduces the rate of missed lesions (false negatives). To demonstrate the validity of the software, the Company analyzed more than 7,000 tooth surfaces. With the aid of Overjet Caries Assist, dentists were able to detect 32% more tooth surfaces containing caries.

“Overjet goes beyond specific AI algorithms to act as a chairside, software as a medical device enhancing clinical decision making in dental practices around the country.” said Dr Terri Dolan, Chief Dental Officer of Overjet. 

“By bringing both bone level measurement with periodontal disease and dental caries detection, as well as quantification for bone level and outline with caries, we enable comprehensive care to be delivered to the right patient with the right treatment at the right time.”

With Overjet’s commercially available technology, the company hopes that clinicians will have access to accurate findings, identification of anatomical structures and common pathologies, and instant visualizations, supporting better patient outcomes.

Click here for more information on Caries Assist by Overjet.

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