This issue covers a diverse range of topics, including: The mental health crisis in dentistry; molar distalization for Class II malocclusion; slow maxillary expansion for cleft lip and palate patients; planning successful smile makeovers; navigating Malaysia's evolving oral healthcare landscape; and the convergence of emerging technologies revolutionizing dental practice.

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Pioneering Initiative to Boost Oral Health Among Dubai Students

DHA and Appolonia Dental Group Join Forces

UAE: The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Appolonia Dental Group have inked a groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance oral and dental health for students in private schools across Dubai. This collaborative effort aims to improve healthcare services, raise awareness about the significance of oral hygiene within the school community, and align with government directives and international medical standards.

Comprehensive Approach to Dental Care

Under the terms of the agreement, regular dental check-up visits, educational programs for students, faculty, and parents, as well as training initiatives for medical staff in private schools will be implemented. These measures will adhere to global best practices in the medical field.

Dr. Ramadan Al Blooshi, Director of Public Health Protection Department at the DHA, underscored the authority’s commitment to establishing fruitful partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including the private healthcare sector in Dubai. He emphasized the importance of leveraging the capabilities of the private sector through collaboration to benefit the community and promote individuals’ health, especially students, who are a priority in healthcare and health protection programs implemented by the DHA.

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Read: AEEDC Dubai 2024

Elevating Healthcare Standards

“The MoU signed today with Appolonia Dental Group for children’s dental care is a significant support for the DHA’s efforts to expand the scope and role of the private healthcare sector in the care system, especially in preventive and educational aspects,” remarked Dr. Al Blooshi. He commended the sector’s numerous initiatives aimed at providing the community with high-quality medical services.

Dr. Yaser Haj Hamed, Chairman and Managing Director of Appolonia and Synergy Dental Group, emphasized the importance of collaborating with the Dubai Health Authority to enhance oral and dental health for students in schools. “We highlight the need for a rehabilitation and training program for medical staff in schools, as well as providing appropriate healthcare services,” he stated.

This pioneering initiative underscores the commitment of Dubai’s healthcare authorities and private sector to prioritize the well-being of students, fostering a generation of healthy individuals through comprehensive dental care and education.

Read: Dubai Startup UDENZ Secures Landmark $5M Series A Funding

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