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Student’s Root Canal Turns into Unexpected Veneer Procedure

Unexpected Dental Transformation

A routine root canal appointment for a young student from Tennessee led to an unexpected and life-altering dental procedure. Caitlyn Weld, now 22, shared her extraordinary experience on TikTok, revealing how her original teeth were replaced with veneers without her full understanding or consent.

Communication Breakdown and Procedural Confusion

The incident occurred when Weld, then 18, sought dental care in Florida. Facing her first root canal, Weld attempted to understand the procedure but encountered a language barrier. She recounted, “I asked the lady as we were in the room ‘what does a root canal feel like? Is it going to hurt, can you explain to me the procedure?’ But she didn’t speak very well English so I never really found out.”

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Shocking Revelation

The gravity of the situation only became apparent to Weld when she was asked to choose a shade for her veneers. “I didn’t have a mirror during the whole thing so I couldn’t see what was going on,” Weld explained. The sight of her teeth reduced to stubs was overwhelming, prompting her to ask a friend to make the colour selection on her behalf.

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Dentists’ Justification

According to Weld, the dental team provided several reasons for their decision:

“They told me that the severity of the hole in one of my teeth, the one I got the root canal done, was so bad that they took precautions to just prevent it from happening in any of my teeth,” she stated. The dentists also suggested that young women typically prefer uniformly coloured teeth and presented the procedure as a preventative measure.

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Cost Implications and Physical Discomfort

The financial implications of this unexpected procedure are significant. While a root canal in the US typically costs around $1,000 per tooth, veneers can cost up to $4,000 each. A full set of front veneers could potentially reach $40,000.

Beyond the financial burden, Weld experienced considerable discomfort. She described the removal of her temporary veneers as “probably the worst pain I’ve ever seen.”

Long-term Consequences and Reflection

Three years after the incident, Weld has come to terms with her new dental reality. She noted some changes in her daily life, stating, “I feel like they are a little bit longer, I also bite my gums really bad when I’m chewing which I never used to really do.”

While Weld initially considered legal action, she ultimately decided against it. Her story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of clear communication and informed consent in medical procedures, particularly for young adults navigating healthcare decisions independently for the first time.

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