This issue covers a diverse range of topics, including: The mental health crisis in dentistry; molar distalization for Class II malocclusion; slow maxillary expansion for cleft lip and palate patients; planning successful smile makeovers; navigating Malaysia's evolving oral healthcare landscape; and the convergence of emerging technologies revolutionizing dental practice.

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UK Woman’s Renewed Smile After Dental Implant Ordeal

UK: Constanta Kivell, a 67-year-old mother from Gloucestershire, UK, faced a harrowing ordeal after undergoing dental implant procedures abroad. After losing several teeth and grappling with self-confidence issues, Kivell decided to seek dental treatment overseas, hoping for a more affordable solution.

However, the subpar quality of the work left her in excruciating pain and unable to consume anything more than soft foods like soup. “I had infections and bleeding. I tried to get some help on the NHS but the aftercare wasn’t there. I was desperate – I had no teeth and I was spending lots of money,” Kivell lamented.

Read: Reality TV Star’s Dental Ordeal: A £80,000 Journey

Glimmer of Hope in Croatia

Determined to regain her smile and quality of life, Kivell turned to Dentum, a dental clinic in Zagreb, Croatia. She diligently researched the clinic, joining their Facebook group and reaching out to former patients. “I could see they were real people, which made a big difference. It gave me the confidence I was desperate for,” she explained.

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Kivell was disheartened by the exorbitant costs and perceived substandard care offered by private clinics in the UK. “I had looked into private treatment in the UK but the prices were ridiculous and the standard of care did not appear to be very good,” she added.

Transformative Journey

After her extensive research and positive feedback from Dentum’s former patients, Kivell decided to embark on her transformative journey. The clinic successfully fitted her with ten new dental implants, providing her with a renewed sense of confidence and joy.

Read: Woman Hospitalized After Lip Filler Procedure Goes Awry

“My new teeth look so natural. They have given me so much more confidence and I don’t have to worry when I bite into an apple. I can chew normally and I am really proud of my smile. I even get compliments from people about it – it’s made such a huge difference,” Kivell beamed.

Expert Insight from Dentum

Andrej Bozic, an oral surgeon at Dentum, expressed his delight in Kivell’s positive outcome. “It’s great to hear the treatment Constanta received has had such an impact on her day-to-day life. We are seeing more and more British patients coming to us for a wide range of treatments they are either unable to access via the NHS or are far too expensive at private clinics in the UK.”

Kivell’s story serves as a testament to the transformative power of quality dental care and the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming adversity.

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