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Vaping and Oral Health: Alarming Risks for Young Generations

UK: As the usage of electronic cigarettes, or “vaping,” continues to rise among younger generations, dental health experts are sounding the alarm about the potential risks these devices pose to oral hygiene and overall well-being.

While vaping was initially promoted as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, recent studies have shed light on the potential harm vaping can cause, particularly to the dental health of young users. 

Dr. Michael Heffernan, a dentist at The Wessex Dental Specialist Care, warns, “Most vapes contain dangerous chemicals that can harm your teeth and lead to decay.” Puffing on these devices can also contribute to mouth dryness, creating an environment in which harmful bacteria thrive, further exacerbating the risk of tooth decay and other oral health issues.

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Read: Study Investigates Link Between Vaping and Heart Failure

Generation Alpha and Changing Habits

According to NHS figures, the generation known as “Generation Alpha” – those born since 2010 – has seen a record-low use of cigarettes and alcohol compared to previous generations. However, the same cannot be said for vaping, which has experienced a concerning boom among young people.

One in eight children aged eight to 15 in 2022 had used an e-cigarette, with more recent research suggesting that the number could be as high as one in five. This trend is particularly alarming given the potential long-term effects of vaping on oral health and overall well-being.

Expert Concerns and Recommendations

Prof. Steve Turner, the president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, acknowledged the “heartening” decline in cigarette use among children but cautioned against complacency due to the rise of e-cigarettes. “The rise of e-cigarettes meant there was no room for complacency,” he stated.

Prof. Amelia Lake, a public health expert at Teesside University, highlighted the impact of lockdowns on children’s habits, noting, “They were locked up in their house with a screen, so their world is quite different to children from not that long ago.”

To address these concerns, dental professionals and health experts emphasize the importance of educating young people about the risks associated with vaping and promoting safer, healthier alternatives. Regular dental check-ups and preventive care can also play a crucial role in maintaining good oral health and catching any potential issues early.

As the vaping trend continues to grow, it is essential for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to work together to raise awareness and implement strategies to protect the dental and overall health of the younger generations.

Read: Study: Vaping leads to dental decay

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