#4D6D88_Small Cover_March-April 2024 DRA Journal

In this exclusive Show Preview Issue, we present the IDEM Singapore 2024 Q&A Forum featuring key opinion leaders; their clinical insights covering orthodontics and dental implantology; plus a sneak peek at the products and technologies set to take center stage at the event. 

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SoftSmile’s VISION Treatment Planning Software Integrates CBCT Imaging

SoftSmile, an orthodontic software provider, has announced the integration of 3D CBCT imaging data into its treatment planning software, VISION. This new feature allows orthodontists to create highly customised treatment plans by leveraging advanced visualisation and manipulation of each patient’s unique anatomical features extracted from CBCT images.

AI-Powered Automation for Informed Treatment Decisions

VISION’s CBCT offering incorporates AI-powered automation, specifically trained using neural networks to identify and segment various structures in the 3D imaging data. The software’s efficiency is said to reduce the time required for data processing and minimises the need for manual input and adjustments. 

In their press release, SoftSmile assures orthodontists that the advanced AI technology provides precise segmentation and analysis, ensuring informed and accurate treatment decisions.

Advantages of CBCT Integration

The integration of CBCT into VISION offers numerous benefits to orthodontic practitioners and their patients:

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1. Enhanced Customisation and Diagnosis

With access to detailed CBCT imaging data, orthodontists gain a better understanding of each patient’s craniofacial structure, including tooth roots, bone structures, and soft tissues. 

This level of insight empowers orthodontists to create more accurate and bespoke treatment plans, incorporating smart collision and boundary control capabilities. The precise diagnosis achieved through CBCT imaging leads to improved patient outcomes.

2. Better Visuals and Improved Accuracy

The detailed visuals provided by CBCT surpass the capabilities of traditional 2-dimensional CT scans, aiding orthodontists in avoiding errors and improving accuracy during treatment planning. The powerful graphics offered by VISION further enhance the overall treatment process.

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3. Enhanced Patient Communication

CBCT visualisations are known for their efficient quality, enabling clinicians to communicate treatment plans more effectively with their patients. This improved communication fosters better patient engagement and understanding.

Commitment to Advancement

“SoftSmile has been developing its CBCT capabilities since its inception, leveraging years of expertise working with CBCT scans for advanced jaw and bone analysis,” says SoftSmile’s Founder and CEO, Khamzat Asabaev. 

“And now with the innovation that CBCT brings to orthodontic diagnostics, SoftSmile is answering the call by delivering superior imaging and analysis that will significantly improve the precision, efficiency, and effectiveness of orthodontic treatment planning and evaluation.”

The software’s preprocessing stage, including uploading patient data and preparing models for setup, is designed to be fast and intuitive, streamlining the treatment planning process for clinicians.

About SoftSmile, Inc.

SoftSmile is a technology company headquartered in New York, focused on helping orthodontists provide personalised, high-quality, and cost-effective treatment to their patients.

The company was founded in 2020 and specialises in designing and developing advanced orthodontic software powered by artificial intelligence. This software applies cutting-edge algorithms based on sound biomechanical and mathematical principles, all presented in a user-friendly interface.

SoftSmile was established by medical professionals with the aim of creating solutions that cater to the specific needs of the dental and orthodontic industry.

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