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Upgrades to SoftSmile’s Vision Software to Enhance Digital Treatment Planning

SoftSmile‘s VISION software is a collaborative effort between doctors, engineers, scientists, and designers that aims to make perfect smiles affordable and accessible to all. With ongoing improvements and new functionalities, VISION strives to provide orthodontists and their patients with the most efficient and comprehensive treatment tool available. Here are ten of the latest upgrades to their software.

Upgraded Web Viewer

VISION’s web viewer has been upgraded to provide a more comprehensive treatment visualization experience. In addition to the virtual representation of tooth movement throughout the treatment course, the web viewer now includes elements like elastics on a 3D model. This enhancement enables dental professionals to address patient concerns and facilitate open communication during the treatment process.


Overcorrection involves adjusting the positioning of teeth beyond the desired final position to counteract their natural tendency to revert to their original state. This feature allows orthodontists to simulate and predict the final position of teeth after treatment completion for more accurate treatment planning.

Jaw Displacement

Another valuable tool introduced in VISION is the jaw displacement function, also known as bite jump. Orthodontists can now simulate and predict the movement of the jaw during treatment using this feature. By incorporating jaw displacement into the treatment plan, orthodontists can make necessary adjustments before initiating treatment.

Click the link above to read: SoftSmile Introduces VISION Web Portal for Clear Aligner Production.

IPR Visualization

Interproximal reduction (IPR) is a technique used in orthodontics to create space between teeth by removing a small amount of enamel from adjacent teeth. VISION’s IPR feature enables orthodontists to plan and simulate the IPR procedure as part of the overall treatment plan. 

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Real-Time IPC Updates

Interproximal contact (IPC) refers to the contact points between adjacent teeth. With VISION’s real-time IPC update functionality, orthodontists can ensure accurate alignment of teeth after sculpting procedures. Updating IPC in real-time is crucial to verify correct tooth alignment and ensure the accuracy of the final treatment plan.

Laser Marking Validation

The laser marking validation feature employs image processing algorithms to analyze the position of laser markings on a patient’s teeth. By comparing the markings to predefined guidelines, the software can identify any markings that deviate from the established rules. 

Invalid markings are promptly highlighted or flagged, enabling orthodontists to quickly rectify any errors. This real-time monitoring and adjustment of laser markings ensure accurate treatment planning and efficient workflow, says the company.

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Simulating Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a procedure in orthodontics that creates space to properly align remaining teeth. In VISION, orthodontists can now simulate and visualize tooth extraction in 3D before performing the actual procedure. This functionality allows orthodontists to predict and plan the outcome of the extraction, leading to more efficient and effective orthodontic treatment while ensuring patients achieve their desired results.

Versatile Dental Numbering Systems

VISION offers multiple dental numbering systems, including the Universal Numbering System (UNS), the FDI Numbering System, and the Palmer Notation Method. Each system utilizes a distinct method to identify teeth, such as by quadrant or arch. 

These numbering systems provide standardized identification and location methods, promoting accurate and consistent communication among dental professionals. The flexibility of having multiple numbering systems allows orthodontists to choose the system that best suits their patients’ needs and their practice. Additionally, this feature enhances international compatibility, enabling orthodontists to work with patients from different regions.

Click the link above to read: SoftSmile’s VISION Wins AI Excellence Award.

Enhanced Sculpting Tools

The sculpting feature in VISION includes a range of instruments such as smooth, extrude, intrude, remove, patch, and extend. These tools enable practitioners to manipulate and shape a patient’s dental and jaw structure in a virtual environment. 

The smooth tool addresses rough edges and irregular surfaces, while the extrude and intrude tools allow targeted pulling or pushing of specific sections. The remove tool subtracts material from the virtual model, while the patch tool enables recovery of material. Lastly, the extend tool allows for the extension or pushing out of a surface. 

By utilizing these sculpting tools, practitioners can make precise adjustments, simulate treatment effects, and accurately predict treatment outcomes. This reportedly empowers informed decision-making and enhances treatment planning for patients.

Enhanced Teeth Sculpting Functionality

VISION introduces an upgrade to its teeth sculpting functionality, providing a detailed, 3D representation of teeth through triangulated mesh. This representation allows users to visualize teeth from various angles and sections, aiding in the identification and correction of structural issues. The enhanced sculpting feature facilitates precise and accurate adjustments to the virtual tooth model, enabling orthodontists to plan treatment more effectively.

By continually advancing the capabilities of VISION, the SoftSmile team is enhancing orthodontic care. With its comprehensive set of tools and functionalities, VISION aims to improve treatment planning, streamline workflows, and contribute to achieving optimal results for patients.

Click here for more information on the VISION software by SoftSmile.

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